1. Trying to do everything at the expense of a focused strategy.
Strategy is as much about what we say “no” to as it is about what we say “yes” to. Some of us are perfectionists and a lot of things can seem important. But a long list of things to do is not a strategy—it is just a long to-do list. Good strategy focuses on doing a few things well while letting go of many others.
2. Not gathering and synthesizing data before beginning the planning process.
Most of us have a limited capacity for meetings and process. We want to get stuff done. It is usually much more efficient to gather and synthesize data before a strategic planning session than trying to do so during a meeting. When data is gathered first, stakeholders can use their strategic planning time to discuss and interpret the data. People generally feel that this is a better use of their time.
3. Failing to consider the capacity to implement the plan.
When creating a strategic plan, someone must ask, “Who is going to do that?” If no one has the capacity to take on a task’s implementation, the plan must be scaled back. Making a plan that can’t be, or won’t be, implemented is a colossal waste of time.
4. Failing to address the impact of organizational culture on major change initiatives.
Organizations, like objects, have momentum. From my high-school science classes, I remember that “an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” Major shifts in organizational direction do not happen easily. If major changes are necessary, a change management plan is essential.
5. Focusing exclusively on overcoming weaknesses while ignoring strengths.
Many of us like to fix things. We tend to focus on what is not working rather than what is working. We think, “If it’s already working well, why should we focus on it?” The reason we should focus on what works is that leveraging strengths in new ways is so much easier than overcoming weaknesses. And given the limited bandwidth most of us operate with, easier is usually better.
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